Sunday, April 6, 2014

Do Leg Lifts Help Remove Cellulite?

Many women have cottage cheese-looking skin surface around age 30. "...First of all, this method is a whole lot concerning getting the suitable information on the concern of cellulite, or in my case, , orange skin behind. When you subscribe to the 'Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux' package you'll also receive 'The Cellulite Reduction Report.' Atlas, a credentialed personal coach and physical fitness experienced. This report has in-depth information on the newest cellulite reduction scams making the rounds, and rescued me from throwing away money on the painful Lypomassage treatment facilities that just sprouted up where I live...". The good news is that you can diminish the appearance of cellulite with exercise; the bad news is it won't be a quick fix. Eating low-fat foods and getting the right type of exercise can smooth out the problem.


    Cellulite is the dimply fat closest to the skin that exists on thighs, hips, stomachs and backsides. The fat bulges inside cells and presses against the skin, creating the cottage cheese-like appearance. The thinner the skin, the more likely the fat will appear this way. Both men and women can get cellulite but it is more prevalent among females. For ladies, the connective tissue tends to be laid down in a crisscross pattern, therefore, the fat has a more waffle-like shape.


    There is no definitive answer why women get cellulite more then men, but genetics, age, hormones, skin tone, diet and fitness levels can all contribute. Some men or women will never get "hail damage" while others will struggle with it especially around middle age. Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, says the name "cellulite" originated in European spas.


    If you have cellulite, you might want to put all of your energy and cash into a seemingly simple solution like using a cream or getting liposuction. But surgery cannot remove all fat or prevent more from surfacing. Creams have no proof of success and cannot change fat cell structure. Even spa treatments that temporarily reduce the look of dimples will wear off quickly. Also, spot reducing (the belief that one specific exercise for a certain part of the body will eliminate fat in that area) is not effective. So, leg lifts alone will not help remove cellulite. But if used in conjunction with other exercises, they can be helpful.

Cardiovascular Exercise

    To decrease body fat percentage, the heart rate must be increased, usually with cardiovascular exercise. The heart rate can be effectively raised by using large muscle groups in activities like swimming, running, biking, dancing and walking. Dr. Wayne Westcott, fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA, wrote a book called "No More Cellulite." He recommends at least 20 minutes of heart-pumping exercise at 70 percent to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate at least three days per week. Maximum heart rate can be determined by subtracting age from 220. For example: 220-35 = 185. Seventy percent would be 185 multiplied by .7 and 80 percent is 185 multiplied by .8.

Strength Training

    Strength training builds muscle and combats cellulite by making you look leaner, increasing metabolism and replacing muscle weight lost with age. Hand weights, resistance tubes, circuit training and leg lift exercises can be used to build muscle. Strength train for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week on non-consecutive days, doing a combination of upper and lower body exercises. Westcott recommends doing one set of five exercises for upper body, such as squats, lunges, side leg lifts, leg extension and leg flexion; then five exercises for lower body, such as push-ups, abdominal crunches, shoulder presses, bicep curls, and triceps pushbacks.

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