Friday, July 31, 2015

Cellulite is a condition commonly found in women where the skin has a bumpy or dimpled appearance because of fat accumulation. Cellulite is often identified as looking like the skin of an orange peel. While the condition is common, most women are embarrassed by the appearance and look for treatments to eliminate it from their body.

What Is Cellulite?

    Cellulite is fat accumulation that forms a bumpy appearance under the skin. The bumps are created when the fat collects and pushes against the connective tissue found directly under the skin. Cellulite is found most commonly in women, and is located in the thighs, buttocks and stomach. The amount of cellulite a person has depends on body fat percentage, thickness of skin, and age.

    Most girls and women have cellulite to some degree. There are no cures or treatment that will completely eliminate cellulite from the body. Most treatments provide a temporary fix to disguise the bumpy appearance.

Home Treatment

    The best treatment for cellulite is diet and exercise to reduce the amount of body fat and increase muscle tone. Limit sugar and salt to assist with weight loss and water retention in the body. Drink a minimum of six eight-ounce glasses of water and consume five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Do not smoke; smoking decreases circulation in the body.

    Aerobic exercise should be done at least five days per week for 30 to 60 minutes per day. Incorporating weights and strength training will improve muscle tone and smooth the skin. There should be noticeable improvement in the appearance of cellulite after following a healthy diet and exercise program for 12 weeks. Once the cellulite has diminished, continue with a healthy diet to reduce the chance of fat cells accumulating again.

Disguise Cellulite

    Self-tanning creams disguise cellulite by darkening the skin and creating less pronounced dimple shadows from the cellulite bumps. Tanning in the sun or in a light bed will worsen cellulite as sun damages the elastin and collagen in the skin. Always wear sunscreen to prevent sun damage.

    Body brushing is a technique that breaks up toxins in the body by activating the lymph system. The technique involves brushing the entire body with a natural bristle brush, starting at the feet and working upwards. Brush each area of the body for 3-5 minutes. According to, brushing assists with diminishing cellulite when used regularly, but is not a medically proven method for cellulite and does not produce permanent results. Lotions and other perfumed products may cause irritation if applied immediately following treatment.

    The appearance of cellulite is more pronounced when the skin is dehydrated. Use moisturizers on the skin regularly to prevent skin dehydration and create a plumper look. Some people prefer to use of creams specifically designed to reduce cellulite. These creams contain phosphodiesterace inhibitors, which may stop enzyme production needed for fat storage in the body. This will cause the cellulite dimples to decrease in size. The cream must be applied two hours after eating or before a meal as the cream is not effective when fat is in the bloodstream. According to, regular application of these creams will cause improvements in 6-8 weeks. "...First of all, this program is significantly concerning obtaining the proper details on the concern of cellulite, or in my case, , orange skin behind. When you register to the 'Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux' package you'll also receive 'The Cellulite Reduction Report.' Atlas, a credentialed personal instructor and physical fitness professional. This report has in-depth information on the most up-to-date cellulite reduction scams making the rounds, and saved me from throwing away money on the painful Lypomassage treatment stores that just sprouted up where I live...". The creams are not, however, medically proven and will not eliminate cellulite completely.

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