T-Tapp is a fitness and exercise program offered by Teresa Tapp, an exercise physiologist and rehabilitative trainer. It focuses on workouts that use physical therapy-style rehabilitative methods to strengthen and define muscles, help you lose weight and align the spine and other areas of the body. T-Tapp also refers to products associated with the T-Tapp program or recommended by Teresa Tapp including apparel, books and magazines, seminars and nutrition, health, skincare and cellulite products.
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Go to the T-Tapp website and click the "Try Before You Buy" tab to the right of the "Home" tab.
2Follow any purple-colored links on the page that open to try T-Tapp exercises provided through articles and videos.
3Select the "Store" tab when you're ready to order T-Tapp exercise systems or associated products.
4Click a product image to review the product and read its description. If you want to purchase that product, select a quantity or type from the available options on the page and then click the "Add to Cart" button.
5Repeat this process as desired until you're ready to check out, then click the "Checkout" button.
6Set up an account or log-in with your email address and password and follow the on-screen instructions to finish your order. If you want to order over the phone, call T-Tapp, Inc. toll-free at 800-342-0717 and give the customer service representative your product order list, address and billing information.
forum.t-tapp.com/forumdisplay.php?44-NEW-TO-T-TAPP-START-HERE...New to T-Tapp?? Post your questions here and one of our trainers or experienced forum members will help you.
How to get Rid of Fat Thighs With NO Ducks workout utilizing T ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=joo2ppQVpiAhttp://www.t-tapp.com/youtube or Click the banner above on our YouTube Channel to visit Teresa's web site! Use coupon code YouTubeYes for a free Yes You ...
T-Tapp Experiment Results In: How did the claims stack up?
www.thegreatfitnessexperiment.com/2011/11/t-tapp-experiment...The Gym Buddies and I having a little fun with our first T-Tapp workout. Note: this is NOT supposed to be a demonstration of good form or whatever. Its just us ...
T-Tapp - This Lovely Place with Charlotte Siems
charlottesiems.com/t-tappT-Tapp is the workout I used to lose nine sizes at age 47. If an exhausted homeschooling mom of 12 could do it--you can!
Success Story: How T-Tapp Kicked Ass With Never Seen Before ...
paleononpaleo.com/t-tapp-success-storyHow Bethany, a nurse, saw results with T-Tapp shed never seen that before.
How to get Fit Faster with T-Tapp Womens Fitness DVD which
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uDREh_AtVohttp://www.t-tapp.com/youtube or Click the banner above on our YouTube Channel to visit Teresa's web site! Use coupon code YouTubeYes for a free Yes You ...
Welcome to T-Tapp . . . The Wellness Workout That Works!
www.t-tapp.comBuy The Book. Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes is the ultimate reference book for T-Tapp! I explain every move within the original Total Workout in detail in my book ...
Welcome To T-Tapp Mom's T-Tapp Mom's
t-tappmoms.comLove Your Body First! By Lisa Petty ROHP. Have you ever set a health goal, perhaps to lose weight through healthy diet and regular exercise, and just know that ...
forum.t-tapp.com/showthread.php?65032-A-MESSAGE-TO-ANYONE-NEW-TO-T...Hi, I'm Teresa Tapp, exercise physiologist and rehabilitative trainer. I created my ... What if it is not working for you? How can I get results? Margie ... Same here ...
Best Way to Get Started with T-Tapp
www.t-tapp.com/articles/getstarted.htmlThis is a helpful page we put together for you to determine the best place to get started with T-Tapp. If you still have questions or need assistance with choosing ...
T-Tapp Forums - A few thoughts -- from Teresa
forum.t-tapp.comT-Tapp Success Stories. This is where you can read about T-Tapp and CRT Success Stories and Success Stories in the Making. Remember the benefits of the T-Tapp and
Awesome Legs the T-Tapp Way!
www.t-tapp.com/articles/legs/index.htmlLegs come in all shapes and sizes, long and short, but one thing is universal...legs are a focal point and those that are fit definitely make an impression.
T-Tapp Information: Get Started T-Tapping Exercise Smarter
www.exercisesmarter.com/t-tapp.php/t-tapp-informationIn-Depth T-Tapp Information. Get Started T-Tapping! 6 simple steps to start you on your T-Tapp journey. The wonders of a T-Tapp bootcamp. How a 4-day bootcamp ...
Get Started T-Tapping! T-Tapp Information Exercise Smarter
www.exercisesmarter.com/t-tapp.php/t-tapp-information/get-started...T-Tapp is a total body workout that can deliver major inch-loss quickly. Find out more information on T-Tapping, how you can get started with free resources, and why ...
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