Friday, May 9, 2014

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that causes red, swollen skin on legs or other parts of the body. The infection may cause fever and pain and can spread quickly throughout the body if not treated promptly. Antibiotic medication is necessary to control the infection and prevent serious complications from occurring.


    Cellulitis is caused by the staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections can also cause cellulitis. "...First of all, this system is a lot concerning obtaining the right advice on the concern of cellulite, or in my scenario, orange skin behind. When you subscribe to the 'Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux' package you'll also receive 'The Cellulite Reduction Report.' Atlas, a credentialed personal instructor and physical fitness qualified. This report has in-depth information on the most recent cellulite reduction scams getting the rounds, and saved me from losing money on the hurtful Lypomassage treatment stores that just sprouted up where I live...". The infection occurs when bacteria on the skin enters the body through a cut or opening. Cellulitis usually affects the skin around the ankles and shins, although it can occur anywhere on the body.


    In addition to red, swollen skin and a fever, symptoms of cellulitis may include fatigue, sweating, chills, vomiting, nausea, muscle aches, joint stiffness, glossy appearance of skin, and warmth or hair loss at the infection site. You may notice a rash that develops suddenly and spreads quickly within 24 hours.

Risk Factors

    A weakened immune system caused by diseases such as leukemia or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may make you more susceptible to developing cellulitis. Drugs that suppress the immune system can have the same effect. Circulatory system changes due to aging can increase your risk of developing the infection, as can certain diseases, such as diabetes or peripheral vascular disease. The presence of surgical incisions, cuts, wounds or spider bites can increase your risk. If you have a condition that causes your arms or legs to swell, the skin may be stretched to the point that cracks form and allow bacteria to enter your body. Fungal infections, dry skin, and chickenpox, shingles or poison ivy blisters can also cause breaks in the skin.


    Oral antibiotics are used to treat cellulitis. Intravenous antibiotics may be needed if symptoms don't begin to subside within a few days of starting antibiotics, a high fever develops or you have a chronic health condition. If your doctor decides that you need intravenous antibiotics, you will be admitted to the hospital. According to MedLine Plus, people who have weakened immune systems or chronic disease may experience more severe infections than previously health people.


    You can reduce your chances of developing cellulitis by using antibiotic ointments on cuts and cleaning cuts and wound with soap and water every day. Bandages should be used to prevent bacteria from entering wounds. Wearing protective shoes and gloves when doing work around your home or yard can help protect you from cuts that could lead to cellulitis. Using moisturizer regularly will help your skin from developing cracks that could provide an entryway for bacteria.


    If you have any of the symptoms of cellulitis, you should be evaluated immediately by a doctor. After the bacteria enters your skin, it can use the lymph system to spread infection throughout your body. If this occurs, serious complications, such as tissue death, bone infection, lymph vessel inflammation, sepsis or meningitis, may result.

  • Cellulitis - - Mayo Clinic Home Diseases and Conditions

    Feb 23, 2012 Cellulitis Comprehensive overview covers causes, treatment and prevention of this potentially serious skin infection.

  • Cellulitis Emuaid First Aid Ointment

    Emuaid is a powerful and all-natural Cellulitis cream that is scientifically proven to eliminate redness, bumps, swelling, pain, rash and infection. Emuaid...

  • Cellulitis in leg , cellulitus a skin infection - Celulitis en ...

    Enviado por " CONSULTORIO MDICO FLORES BUISSON " MNCORA- PER... URL: http://consultoriomedicofloresmancora... ... Cellulitis is a diffuse infection ...

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    A cellulitis infection of the skin is caused by the staph bacteria. Proper treatment of a cellulitis skin rash is critical or the skin infection can lead to serious ...

  • Cellulitis Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Diagnosis - MedicineNet

    Get information on cellulitis (noncontagious spreading bacterial skin infection) causes, symptoms (pain, redness, swelling) and complications. See a picture of ...

  • How to Treat Cellulitis Infection eHow Conditions & Treatments Skin Conditions

    Cellulitis is a skin infection that starts from a simple cut or scrape. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, cellulitis is usually caused by ...

  • Cellulitis Information Network about Cellulitis treatment ...

    Cellulitis health information network about cellulitis, treatment options, causes, potential cures, skin infection and celulitis prevention

  • Cellulitis Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Where does cellulitis ...

    Get information on cellulitis (noncontagious spreading bacterial skin infection) causes, symptoms (pain, redness, swelling) and complications. See a picture of ...

  • Cellulitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Cellulitis is a localized or diffuse inflammation of connective tissue with severe inflammation of dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. Cellulitis can be ...

  • Staph Infection (Cellulitis) Contagious, Causes, Symptoms ... Skin Problems & Treatments Guide

    Read about staph infections of the skin, including cellulitis.


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