Although the necessity of a "detox" has yet to be proven scientifically, if you are an adventurous sort you might not want to wait for the final word from medical professionals. If this is the case, understand that among the myriad types of detox plans, some are naturally safer than others. The best types of detox plans will not force you to drink bizarre concoctions day in and day out, but will instead encourage a more natural process by replacing unhealthy calories in your diet with healthier alternatives. What follows is a summation of some of the healthiest detox plans on the market.
Detox Generally
Although there are numerous detox plans on the market, which differ widely in the methods they use to promote health, understand that their basic goal is the same. The theory behind a detox is that over time, our bodies accumulate unhealthy toxins in our cells that enter the body through our food, water and the air. A detox is a focused attempt to purge yourself of these toxins through adhering to a restricted diet, giving your body a break so that it can "clean house."
Fruit, Veggie and Protein Detoxes
While some detox diets force you to subsist on nothing more than water, certain raw foods or fruit juice, a fruit, veggie and protein detox will take a more measured and reasonable approach, allowing your body to still have adequate nutrients even while it works to flush your body of toxins. This form of detox plan is naturally higher in both calories and vitamins than other alternatives, making it a safer variant for those insistent on subjecting themselves to a detox.
Fruit Flush Detox
One popular fruit, vegetable and protein detox plan is the Fruit Flush, designed by nutritionist Jay Robb. This is a three-day plan. On the first day, you will consume nothing but protein shakes to put your body into "cleansing" mode. On the second and third days, you will eat nothing but fruits, providing your body with sufficient fiber, calories, vitamins and nutrients so that it can rid your cells of toxins. Plan
The authors at recommend a balanced approach to detox, suggesting that you supplement any fruit and vegetable plan with additional protein, because protein is the building block that your body uses to create and repair tissue. To effectuate the goal of turning your regular detox into a fruit, veggie and protein detox, they recommend purchasing a high-quality protein powder supplement. The powder can easily be mixed into a smoothie for easy consumption. Through this, you will increase the health factor of any detox plan, giving your body extra nutrients to help it win the fight against toxicity.
Out of an ocean of strange and potentially dangerous detox choices, fruit, vegetable and protein detox plans seem to be the safest. However, remember that they still leave your body lacking in both sufficient calories and essential fats, so know that these are not permanent solutions, but rather temporary fixes. Thus, no matter what kind of detox plan you choose, remain on it for no longer than two weeks. This will strike a balance between allowing you to reap the "detox" benefits while not depriving your body of a compete diet for an excessive amount of time.
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Fruit & Vegetable Juice Detox Diets eHow Health Diet & Nutrition Healthy DietsFruit & Vegetable Juice Detox Diets. Fruits and vegetables contain a range of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help the body maintain ...
Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse You can Lose Weight Fast with a ... and vegetable diet cleanses are pretty simple to follow. They usually involve eating a combination of fruits and vegetables for a period of at least 3 days or ...
Detox Diet Weight Loss Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse
detoxdietweightloss.comA fruit and vegetable cleanse is a type of detox diet that can create very fast weight loss. Are you in a situation like this? - You need to lose weight fast over a ...
Alternative to juicing, raw foods - fruit, organic vegetable and ...
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Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse - Easy Detox Diet to Lose Weight Fast 12, 2010 By now, you have probably heard of the fruit and vegetable cleanse for losing weight fast. This cleanse is a type of detox diet that creates really fast ...
The Success of a 3 Day Fruit and Vegetable Detox Diet Resides you go on and start a 3, 5, 7 or 30 day fruit and vegetable detox diet, the first thing that you need to account for is setting your goal.
How to Do a Body Detox With a Juice, Fruit and Vegetable Diet Alternative Medicine Fasting & CleansingA juice detox is a popular purification method you can use to cleanse the body of toxins, renew the spirit and even lose a few pounds. It differs from a juice fast in ...
Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse Detox Diet - What is a Mono Meal Detox ... 15, 2008 Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse Detox Diet - What is a Mono Meal Detox Diet? By Jana Suzzane
Fruit and vegetable diet - Weight Loss Guide - Weight Loss first thing that comes to mind when hearing about a fruit and vegetable diet, is a vegan type diet. This is not what we are going to discuss here. What this
Is blending fruit & vegetables better than juicing for detox? the green smoothie revolution some people are asking if blending is better than fruit and vegetable juicing for detox? Find out the pros & cons here.
Nutrition for Everyone: Fruits and Vegetables DNPAO CDC Nutrition TopicsJun 03, 2013 Fruits and Vegetables "Eat your fruits and vegetables." You've likely heard this statement since childhood. Research shows why it is good advice:
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Fruit and Vegetable Juice Recipes for Fasting: Detox Juice out Fitness Blender's list of the best fruit and veggie juice recipes for fasting and detox.
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Fruit Flush 3 Day Detox Diet : Detox Made Easy - Detox you're looking for a detoxification made easy, the 3 day fruit flush diet is what you've been waiting for.
3-day Fruit & Vegetable Diet LIVESTRONG.COM Weight Loss Diets A-C 3-Day DietsNov 22, 2010 3-Day Fruit Vegetable Diet. The Fruit Flush is a three-day diet that requires you fast on fruits and vegetables. The plan was created by Jay Robb and ...
Fruit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissues of the flower, one or more ovaries, and in some cases accessory tissues. Fruits ...
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www.jayrobb.comWeight loss expert Jay Robb offers The Best Whey Protein Powder, Egg protein powder and Diet Plan to help you get in the best shape of your life. Succeed with The Jay ...
Big Blend: Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie Recipe Incredible make this fruit and vegetable smoothie recipe every almost single day. The best thing about this recipe is that you are getting in three servings of fruit
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